Home Away from Home.

Collins Bay Marina welcomes guest boaters with transient dockage facilities on an overnight, weekly or monthly basis. We are a temporary home to many boaters:

Cruisers from up the river, across the border and around the lake who enjoy finding new locals and returning to favorite haunts.

Folks who are seeking a safe harbour when they have to wait out bad weather on the lake.

Weekenders from the area who are looking for a change of scene from their regular slips.

Boaters who are trucking their vessels to the lake to enjoy cruising the open waters take advantage of our on site crane or launch ramp and parking facilities.

Those in need of a summer haul out for maintenance of emergency repairs.


Overnight dockage – $2.25 per/ft

Weekly dockage –     $9.50 per/ft

Monthly dockage –   $24.00 per/ft

This includes the use of dock power and water, washrooms and showers, Fibe internet and  parking facilities.

Payment is accepted by debit card,  Visa or MasterCard.


We accept and strongly encourage reservations for transient slips. We require a Visa or MasterCard number along with the full name on the card and the month and year of the expiry date and the 3 digit CVV code.  We bill this card for a single night’s dockage only in the event that the reservation is not kept and the customer does not cancel. We accept reservations by mail, email or telephone. Reservations by VHF 68 are not accepted as it puts credit card numbers on the very public airwaves.

To book your reservation today please call the office at (613) 389-4455

Please have your length, beam and draft handy as well as a contact telephone number.


Collins Bay is easily navigable by pleasure craft, the route is clearly marked and the channel is dredged to 12 feet. Please refer to A Safe Harbour for navigation information and a harbour chart.

Our fuel dock marks the beginning of harbour, lined with tall flags, flower beds, the kiosk and an easily accessible 80 foot floating dock.

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