2022 End of Summer BBQ Banquet 27 August
Aug 14th
The CBYC Sailing School and CBYC Racers are teaming up to hold an End-of-Summer BBQ Banquet on Saturday 27 August to celebrate the great summer of sailing and fun.

All CBYC Racers, sailing school students and their families from all of our 2022 youth and adult sessions, along with all CBYC Club members and marina patrons, are invited to join us.
The BBQ will begin at 5pm and will feature hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, soft-drinks, and dessert. There is also a Steak & Baked Potato option for those with more grown-up tastes.
Dress is casual / garden-party attire (polo shirt, sundress, etc….something a little nicer than sweaty sailing gear!).
In addition to the BBQ, there will be an awards ceremony for our wonderful summer sailors, and a raffle to raise funds for equipment necessary to refresh our sailing school fleet.
Cost for the Hamburger/Hot-dog option will be $13 for adults and $10 for youth. Cost for the Steak & Baked Potato option will be $20. There will be vegetarian burger option – please mention when making your reservation.

Sign-up list and tickets are available at the marina office, and we ask that you sign up by Saturday 20 August so that we know how much food we need. Deadline extended until noon on Thursday 25 August
If you can’t make it to the marina office by Saturday, please call the marina at 613-389-4455, or email us to let us know you are coming. Please mention any dietary restrictions.
Finally, we are looking for helpers for preparations, set-up, and running the BBQ. Please email us if you would like to help.
2021 Zoom Seminars and Social Events Announced
Feb 24th
Exciting Seminars and Social events have been scheduled.

Curling Fun and Frolic 2020
Dec 9th
Soon it will be time to test your skills again on the ice at the 200 Year-old Royal Kingston Curling Club. Yes in 2020 RKCC will be almost as old as Bill Worthy, well, his jokes anyway!
On Saturday February 1 we will join in the fun of our 8th annual curling night for our yacht club’s members and friends. Last year we had 45 members slip and slide their way down the ice for a really great night of fun and frolic. There were another ten spectators as well enjoying the spectacle and aside from a few bouts of stiffness the next day, there were no permanent injuries to report from this very sociable evening.
The games begin at 7:00pm (1900hrs) at RKCC 100 Days rd. and you are asked to bring clean-soled non-skid shoes or boots that have not been used to get to the rink. The cost will be as usual $15/person and new curlers are always welcome. We have several of our own members who curl and will provide instruction.
There will be nibbles provided and the bar will be open for all those thirsty folks.
Please let me know prior to the first if you plan to attend and if you have curled before so that I can try to make up balanced teams.
You can reach me at or at 613 766-2812